the hobo safecamp symbol with letters t,h,and c added to makt the hobos companion logo


Way of the Buffalo

Todd Sheaffer
Total Plays: 62

here we go . . the way of the buffalo aint it a shame? . . it feels so lame the grass grew tall . . the river’s ran the wind blew ‘cross the plain the purple mountains’ majesty the amber waves of grain here we go . . the way of the buffalo aint it a crime? . . does your street look like mine? room to run . . room to move thunderin’ ‘cross the plain room to roam . . oh, room to range room to romp & play here we go . . the way of the buffalo what a disgrace . . paved the whole damned place i’m a freedom actor gonna sit on my tractor & mow the yard down gonna weed out the trouble . . clean up my bubble the big broad shoulders . . the noble beard the head held proud & high licked & lamed . . tricked & tamed it’s enough to make ya cry here we go . . the way of the buffalo what a disgrace . . take that smile off of your face blame it on the train . . blame it on the train the steel arms pumpin’ . . the nostrils aflame that old old iron horse with the smoky mane here we go . . the way of the buffalo here we go . . the way of the buffalo what a disgrace . . take that smile off of your face